Daxium 5 Cas d'usage 5 Control management

The issues encountered,
within the departments.

The majority of your team works with paper formats, complicating the flow of information and traceability regarding the compliance of your facilities and equipment. Your data is scattered, input errors or document loss are frequent, and you lose time on low-value tasks. You also have to manually generate your reports, and the analysis of your data for managing certifications is not effective.

Daxium for Equipment Intervention Management

Why choose the Daxium-Air solution ?

Improve your performance


The quality of your inspection forms
by pre-filling your forms.
Centralise your data


Your productivity with time savings
during data entry.
Share data


Your data from the field
in real-time.
Centralise your data


Your certifications and find them
in a database.
Customize Your Inspection Forms with Daxium-Air

Customize and pre-fill your inspection forms.

Efficient inspection form management is crucial for any field-operating business. By using customized and pre-filled forms, you provide your field team with an easy-to-use data collection and traceability tool that automates repetitive tasks. This saves time and increases the productivity of your employees. From the back office, select the information to specify during your inspections, which will be fed into your database, and pre-fill certain data to ensure its reliability. The synchronization on your mobile application is instantaneous, allowing you to make modifications at any time. Your field teams will have real-time information and will only need to complete their inspection form.

Manage Your Certifications and Traceability of Your Installations and Equipment.

The digitization of your inspection forms allows you to improve control over your certifications and traceability of your installations. By assigning the inspection of an installation to an operator, they can directly access, from their smartphone or tablet, information about the inspection. Thus, from their application, they can:

  • Complete their inspection form, even without an internet connection;
  • Add photos and comments to specify certain information;
  • Report their data in real-time, including one or more anomalies;
  • Access the history of their interventions.

You simplify the collection and transmission of information within your teams, whether they are in the field or in the office.

Manage Your Certifications and Traceability of Your Equipment with Daxium-Air
Export Your Inspection Reports with Daxium-Air

Track and analyze your interventions with a mobile business application.

All your completed inspection forms by your field teams make up your database, which updates automatically. The team leader and the site manager can access all validated, ongoing, and not performed inspections, and can act quickly if needed. Thanks to the implementation of automations, managers can receive a notification in case of an anomaly to establish an immediate action plan and receive a report for each completed inspection form. They also have access to dashboards to analyze completed inspections and have an overall view to meet set goals, such as the validation of certain certifications.

Do You Want to Improve Your Service Tracking?

Our customers testify.

Stellantis utilise Daxium-Air pour contrôler la qualité des véhicules.

Découvrez le témoignage de Stellantis, constructeur automobile qui propose des solutions de mobilités propres, connectées, abordables et sûres, qui a choisi la solution no-code Daxium-Air pour mettre en place une application essentielle pour contrôler et suivre la qualité des véhicules de l’entreprise dans le monde entier.

Grâce à l’implantation réussie de Daxium-Air auprès de Stellantis, l’entreprise décerne son Stellantis Startup Awards à Daxium dans la catégorie qualité.

They trust us.