How ONET uses Daxium-Air to digitize the traceability and tracking of its cleaning services for SNCF (French Railways)

ONET creates its own application: ONET Traceability

ONET is a French company, founded in Marseille in 1860. The ONET Group is present in several sectors (cleaning and services, security, engineering, logistics, airport services, technical maintenance…) and provides services in over 20 countries.

Today, ONET, an SNCF service provider, is involved in the cleaning of rolling stock. This activity enables the SNCF to offer a quality service and ensure the good hygiene of its trains for the transport service offered to users and passengers.

The group is considered the leader in waste management and number 4 in safety in France.

The need to digitalize all customer services.

ONET is committed to setting up a digital tool for tracking and tracing services, in order to increase their visibility and offer a guarantee of transparency to their customers.

For many years, agents had been working daily on paper. However, these working techniques were not optimal for tracking and tracing the services provided. So ONET looked for a solution that could be customized to meet the specific needs and specifications of their various customers. By digitizing their activity and all their services, ONET is perfectly in line with its CSR strategy, and facilitates the flow of information between the SNCF and the group.

With this in mind, the ONET Group has set up ONET Traçabilité, a business mobile application based on the Daxium-Air no-code solution. This application enables ONET agents to guarantee the optimization and proper execution of cleaning services.

Services monitored in real time, including by the SNCF.

The ONET Group and its customers have access to the same platform, which improves the organization and monitoring of the services provided. At head office, managers can easily organize the schedules of each agent by providing them with the necessary information concerning the trains to be cleaned.

Using their smartphone or tablet, agents can access their schedule to find out what they have to do every day. Once the service is completed, the agent validates it directly through the application. Any anomalies can be reported in real time, with the option of importing photos to clarify them. Managers and customers have access to all information, including anomalies, enabling them to react quickly and monitor progress.

One of the advantages of the application is that it works in offline mode. Agents don’t always have access to the Internet, but this doesn’t prevent them from declaring their services and having them recorded, then synchronized once the Internet connection is back.

With NFC tag functionality, it’s easy to automate field information feedback to save agents time. They can scan a tag to automatically enter the time and date of the service, the train number and any other identification details.

A customizable solution for greater flexibility.

The ONET Traçabilité application has been fully customized by ONET’s teams to suit the needs of the customer, in this case SNCF. Daxium-Air offers customization options such as :

  • Customizable fields (forms with text fields, dates, photos, choice lists, etc.);
  • Functions (NFC tag reader, QR-code, task scheduling, automatic report sending, etc.);
  • Customizable filters ;
  • Different views for displaying data ;
  • Dashboards ;
  • Customization to your graphic charter (logos, colors, buttons, pictograms, etc.);
  • Connections with your third-party tools…

This no-code solution has made it possible to improve the planning of daily tasks, monitor the work of all agents in real time, and immediately report any anomalies detected, for optimum responsiveness. Describing our no-code solution as simple and flexible, the ONET and SNCF teams were able to easily appropriate the tool and are convinced of its effectiveness.

“Thanks to the ONET Traceability application, we have a great deal of freedom to create the form, modify it, and have an immediate rendering on the phone or tablet so that we can be as responsive as possible to the customer.”
Lionel Deniau, Regional Digital Correspondent